The Berkeley Research for Autonomous Vehicle Opportunities (BRAVO) group was established to explore and build opportunity spaces for emerging Human Vehicle Interactions (HVI) in the era of the autonomous transportation, IoT, and VR/AR. We bring together research, industry, and students to collaborate in the development of new HVI form factors, experience design, or product/service/system concepts and design opportunities in order to move to the next big paradigm beyond the current implementation of the interaction between autonomous vehicles and users. The main challenge is to: Identify meaningful HVIs and user experiences/scenarios/roadmap for future fully Autonomous Vehicles.
The group was launched in Summer 2018 under the UC Berkeley’s BEST Lab, with the guidance of Prof. Alice Agogino and Dr. Euiyoung Kim. Researchers affiliated with the group can be found in (1) the UC Berkeley Sutardja Dai building #450 in the CITRIS Lab and (2) RFS (Richmond Field Station) Building #450. (How to get to RFS: Day time Shuttle between UC Berkley Campus and RFS: Map & Schedule)

BRAVO consists of a interdisciplinary group of researchers, visiting scholars, faculty, graduate & undergraduate students, and industry collaborators looking to further research in autonomous vehicles from a human-centered design perspective.