UC Berkeley-SKKU Student Collaborative Design Workshop: Future Mobility Design Challenge


BRAVO hosted UC Berkeley-SKKU Student Collaborative Design Workshop (or SKKU-BRAVO Design Exchange Workshop) from January 24 to 25. 14 undergraduate researchers, 2 staffs, and 1 faculty from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Korea visited San Francisco Bay Area for design exchange with BRAVO undergraduate researchers.

For two days of the events, SKKU students from Korea and undergraduate researchers of BRAVO cooperated to address a design challenge: designing a meaningful mobility solution for college students. The two-day workshop included not only lectures on the human-centered design process, but also field observation, ideation, prototyping, and final presentation.

BRAVO invited several guest speakers from the fields: Varna Vasudevan (UX Design Intern at Lyft and Ford) to share her experience in mobility design and Dr. Vivek Rao (lecturer at the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation) to lead prototyping activities. Chan Kim (Senior UX Designer at Oracle), Chester Cho (Product Designer at Mercedes-Benz), and Sam Park (Product Designer at Nissan) also spoke and shared their design experiences at the workshop.

After the program, participants from SKKU showcased their work in Korea on February 14. Each team shared their design work to SKKU students and faculties. Below are the images of each team’s work and presentation.